FlyMET provides a detailed overview of the weather for the day and tomorrow in the form of graphic map, generated from numerical weather prediction model FLYMET.The application is open to all who are interested in detailed weather forecasts for the next hours. It is useful for people who are dependent on the weather. You will conveniently get an overview of the evolution of weather variables for the next 48/168 hours.
Main features:- shows forecasts at intervals of 1 hour- simple navigation in time back and forth- simple switching of forecast maps- automatic update of forecast maps
Maps:- Temperature- Clouds- Precipitation- Wind- Visibility- Temperature in Europe for 7 days- Clouds over Europe for 7 days- Precipitation in Europe for 7 days- Temperature 850hPa (Europe) for 7 days- Visibility in Europe for 7 days- Deficit of convective temperature- Occurrence of cumulus clouds- Wind speed under CCL- Humidity above CCL- Rate of climb in 2/3 of CCL
The application uses data from numerical weather prediction model Data are generated in the early morning hours for the period 00 UTC of the current day + 48 hours. In layman's terms, the application displays data for today and tomorrow.
Since the maps are graphical in nature, the volume of data downloaded when updating is around 10 megabytes. This can be particularly problematic when there is an active FUP limit on your data plan on your mobile phone. The solution for this obstacle lays in the application's ability to automatically download new data when your device is connected via WiFi.